
New Zealand Council of Legal Education




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    About Us

    The New Zealand Council of Legal Education (the ‘Council’) is an independent statutory body constituted under the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006.  The Council was originally established in 1930.

    The Council’s governing legislation is the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 (Part 8).  The Council operates under the following Council regulations:

    Membership of the Council consists of:

    Two High Court Judges nominated by the Chief Justice
    One District Court Judge nominated by the Chief District Court Judge
    Five practitioner members nominated by the New Zealand Law Society
    One lay member nominated by the Minister of Justice
    Two student (or young lawyer) members nominated by the New Zealand Law Students' Association; and may also include not more than one member nominated by the New Zealand Council of Legal Education.

    The Deans of the Law Faculties of the six New Zealand Law School Universities are ex-officio members of the Council.

    The Council is managed by the Chief Executive, Rosemary Gordon.

    The 2023 Annual Report is available to download here.
    The 2022 Annual Report is available to download here.
    The 2021 Annual Report is available to download here.
    The 2020 Annual Report is available to download here.
    The 2019 Annual Report is available to download here.
    The 2018 Annual Report is available to download here.

    For a copy of any of the above regulations please download from the links above or contact us.

    Home | About Us | What's New | Background |Eligibility to enter PLSC |Stale Qualifications | Certificates of Completion | Overseas Qualifications | Law Practice Exam | Council Members | Links | Contact Us

    Copyright © New Zealand Council of Legal Education.  All rights reserved. You may not copy, republish or distribute this page or the content from the page without having obtained written permission from the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Council of Legal Education.

    This is the only official website of the New Zealand Council of Legal Education. The Council takes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information provided about the Council or its operations on third party websites.