www.nzcle.org.nz New Zealand Council of Legal Education |
Please refresh this webpage or clear your browsing cache to ensure you are viewing the most up-to-date version of this page. Refer to 'Whats new tab' for details on how to clear your browsing cache Certificates of Completion Under the Lawyers and Conveyancers (Lawyers: Admission) Rules 2008, in order to show that the educational requirements have been completed, a candidate seeking admission to the High Court of New Zealand needs, to obtain a Certificate of Completion from the Council. Courier If you would like to send your application in as a physical copy, please be aware that we can ONLY receive physical applications via our P.O. Box 5671 Wellington. If you use a courier for this please ensure the courier you make use of is able to deliver to a PO Box. Stale Qualifications Please note that if any part of your qualification is affected by staleness you will need to make an application for assessment of stale qualifications before applying for your completion certificate. Please click on Stale Qualifications for more details. If any of the following LLB core subjects were completed before 2014, you should make a stale application:
New Zealand Law Graduates The application form may be downloaded here.Processing time Allow for 6 to 8 weeks (up to 40 working days) processing time from the date your application is received by the Council. All applications received will be processed as soon as possible, but we cannot guarantee the date of receipt of your certificate. Please do not contact the council to enquire about the status of your application as this causes further delays.Email application process - NZ Law Graduates only Completion certificate application can be emailed to completioncertificatesnz@nzcle.org.nz. When sending applications to this email, please note that you will not receive a reply to any queries sent with your application.Fast-track fee - NZ Law Graduates Only The fast-track fee is $208 (including GST) and is in addition to the standard fee of $198 (including GST). Your certificate should be dispatched within 8 working days from the date we receive the application, granted that payment and all correct documentation is received. Note the fast-track timeframe of 8 working days is not a guarantee as we rely on external organisations and institutions to verify your supporting documentation.Overseas Law Graduates and Practitioners When you have completed all the requirements imposed on you by the Council, you will be entitled to apply for a Completion Certificate.
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